Energy • Sleep • Relief • Balance
Re: The deficiency ordinary supplementation and diet WON'T correct...
I don't
want to scare you.
But the completely honest truth is, you should be concerned.
Magnesium deficiency is a 'core-plague' in our society and it's affecting every single one of us.
No exceptions. And the effect on your health is nothing to joke about.
I'm going to share with you WHY this is one of the major modern threats to our health – and how this letter could literally save your life.
...And at least, will spare you from a considerable amount of unnecessary pain, discomfort and suffering.
What I'm going to tell you came out of personal experience and revolutionary discovery...
12 years ago, I was suffering. I was only 46 but my health and body were in a VERY bad place.
And of all the 'health secrets' I uncovered while trotting the globe for the "holy grail" of nutritional supplements on the journey toward regaining my health, I discovered ONE that I believe (for good reason) is –
My name is Ian Clark and what I'm about to tell you about is the simplest, most elegant solution for your health you've ever experienced.
We'll quickly cover why magnesium deficiency affects us all in some way, and what the highest-level solution is for your body... something you've never experienced.
It's a naturally pure solution of Dead Sea-derived magnesium called iMCH™. It's 100% natural magnesium chloride hexahydrate, that is totally pure – and devoid of any additional substances like you'd find in traditional 'rock-derived' or synthetic magnesium solutions.
It is the purest form of magnesium on Earth, put into solution using natural implosion technology.
Rest assured: your body has never experienced anything like it.
It's the most compatible, most absorbable concentration of pure magnesium available for our human operating system.
I'll cover all of this in detail... including how it's identical in composition with the water that comprises over 70% of your body...
So my goal here is that after you read this letter – if you had one single substance, aside from food and water, to have on-hand – this solution would be it.
This is the #1 thing you want for you and your entire family, and my job here is to help you see the 'WHY'...
In fact, just to give you some context, not only have I been using this substance for going on 7 years now, but my entire family uses it – including my wife and all 7 of my children. And here at Activation, we also have over 50 employees...
So when I say, "I'm behind this stuff"... I'm really BEHIND it.
...And I'm going to explain to you why it's THAT important for your body.
First, we're going to discuss why your sleep, ENERGY production, cellular metabolism, natural detox system and general health cannot be sustained without it...
So before we dive in, I want you to picture this scenario:
And for them to survive –
Each one of them needs properly regulated mineral balance.
Each one has to be fueled by sufficient ATP energy.
And each cell's essential chemical reactions need to be driven by hundreds of different enzymes.
When your cells don't contain the proper mineral ratio, don't have the ATP energy needed to operate properly and aren't supported with healthy enzymatic reactions, your health begins to break down – as your cells are unable to carry out their necessary functions.
If this process continues, the body begins giving up.
Magnesium is the backbone of every single one of these processes:
Meaning –
There's a very good reason why magnesium is known as the MASTER MINERAL.
Magnesium is the second most abundant element inside human cells.
Our cells are our lifelines. Without properly functioning cells, we not only can't reach our ultimate health goals – we can't even survive.
So I'm sure you understand the critical importance of healthy cells, of fully functional cells for good overall health.
So multiply each one of these important cells by 70 TRILLION...
Visualize the enormity in your body.
If you don't have enough magnesium, you've got a serious problem.
Now you're starting to see the magnitude of magnesium deficiency.
And you've probably heard multiple experts say that "80% of us are deficient"...
Just about every one of us is walking around with stage 1, 2, 3 or 4 deficiency...
Most people have become symptomatic...
...From low energy, to compromised sleep, joint pain, muscle cramps, stress, headaches, rising blood pressure, blood sugar concerns, inability to cope with stress, weak bones – these may be the result of stage 3 or even...
This is why magnesium deficiency is a leading culprit behind so many of the unhealthy conditions common in our society.
But first, let's talk about –
The importance of maintaining sufficient levels of magnesium is immense.
And this goes way beyond deficiency symptoms or restless sleep...
Without sufficient magnesium, your body's abilities to cope with daily things like oxidative stress and toxic burden are dramatically handicapped.
It affects your bodily processes in a multitude of major ways...
I'm going to lay this out very simply for you...
There are four main areas of concern.
We'll refer to these culprits as –
These are the 4 main culprits behind bodily breakdown.
Whether you're at STAGE 1, 2, 3 or 4 magnesium deficiency, these will probably sound very familiar.
The four horsemen are, as you know, biblical symbols of different events that foretell the "end of times"...
In this context, the four horsemen of bodily breakdown are plaguing our society.
When we ignore these 4 issues... we neglect our bodies.
So let's quickly cover each one of these "four horsemen"...
So most people think of magnesium as a major 'relaxer'... which it certainly is.
However, one of its main roles in our body is PRODUCING ENERGY!
ATP energy cannot be adequately produced by the body without magnesium.
And ATP Energy is the currency of life.
So to heal and maintain proper function, you MUST be producing adequate bodily energy.
Just like when your car is low on gas – your body gets low on energy, when your reserves of magnesium are low.
This is all rooted at the cellular level. Your cells need energy to function.
This requires 3 major keys:
– Proper DNA synthesis
– Proper cellular balance & function
– Required nutrients and ATP (your body's cellular energy fuel)
So let's quickly cover these in more detail...
DNA is the body's genetic code, used in the building of proteins and the reproduction of cells. The cells in our bodies are constantly being replaced by new cells.
DNA stability is dependent on magnesium.
Magnesium not only stabilizes DNA structures, it also functions as a cofactor in the repair of DNA damage by environmental mutagens. Combined with ATP, magnesium also assists in the healthy production of RNA, responsible for 'reading' DNA and manufacturing the proteins we use in our bodies.
So we have to make sure that our DNA remains stable, avoiding mutations that can negatively impact healthy cellular function.
Within every cell in the body, proper mineral balance must be maintained.
The Sodium-Potassium Pump
Magnesium makes sure there is a healthy balance of important minerals such as calcium, sodium and potassium in each cell and affects the conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and heart rhythms.
To keep cells healthy, a proper mineral ratio must be maintained.
Magnesium is critical for the creation of energy by activating ATP – the foundational energy storage molecule in your body and produced by the Krebs cycle.
The Krebs Cycle
The Krebs cycle is a series of reactions that produce ATP by breaking down glucose – as well as all other metabolites, sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids.
Magnesium is an important part of this cycle, which is the central metabolic pathway in all aerobic organisms.
To function properly, your body needs adequate vitamins and minerals.
Your body can't make 'macro-minerals', which is what magnesium is, and it's required for you to properly utilize various other minerals which are widely available.
Essential vitamins in your diet can't be properly absorbed without sufficient minerals, like magnesium, in your system.
So just like your body desperately requires magnesium, it also can't get and properly use other necessary nutrients adequately, in the absence of magnesium.
We've already touched on calcification and it being the #1 culprit behind our epidemic of magnesium deficiency.
Calcium disrupts your sodium potassium pump, cellular balance, causes arterial stiffness, muscle contraction issues, joint pain, stress, compromised cognition, blood sugar problems, fatigue and more.
Not only do you get build up in your joints, tissues & muscles – which cause various aches & pains, but ALSO your arteries can stiffen, affecting their ability to effectively transport blood throughout your body.
In fact, the right balance of calcium and magnesium is needed to ensure that your heart beats in a steady rhythm.
But the important thing to focus on, is that magnesium will actually work to clear excess calcium out!
As I will explain, this was how I totally rid my body of joint pain – by dissolving and releasing the calcium build-up.
When you have a calcium imbalance, it's the same cause and effect for everyone...
When you restore your magnesium levels properly, you'll dissolve and release displaced and harmful calcium.
Good ol' restful sleep. Most of us don't get anywhere near enough of it.
In my opinion, there is no better way to keep your body in healthy, optimal condition, than by getting adequate sleep.
In fact, there was a recent study that showed that losing just one night of sleep can age your metabolism by up to 30 years!
...Now how many people have NO sleep issues?
As matter of fact, I can tell you...
We put out a Magnesium Deficiency Quiz and questioned tens of thousands of people... fewer than 9% of all adults reported not having sleep issues!
Our society is massively and chronically sleep-deprived from being overworked and stressed.
To maintain your health, reset, handle stressors and detox, YOU NEED proper REM and delta sleep. This affects all aspects of your mental, emotional and physical health.
Dedicating more hours to sleep can be tough... but where we have the greatest opportunity is making up for lost time WHILE we are asleep...
More than 90% of people said they wake up during the night. And most of them are also not getting the REM sleep their body desperately needs.
For example, a person on sleeping pills has completely short-circuited REM.
Despite getting more hours of sleep, usually their stress levels INCREASE and their health continues to decline... which is unfortunate.
You need REM sleep – to process trauma and purge stress. You also want a fine balance of delta.
So quantity of sleep is important, but quality of sleep is KEY.
And proper replenishment of magnesium can work wonders for sleep.
This is another biggie... really, the most problematic issue today.
We take in a wide array of toxins on a daily basis.
From the billions of pounds of rubber dust that permeate our air, to heavy metals in dental fillings, fish and processed foods...From BPA and other hormone-disrupters in plastics to formaldehyde and PCBs in off-gassing carpets and furniture... From chemical-infused tap water, to GMOs, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in our food.
In fact, the average person has more than 50 detectable toxins in their blood including pesticides that haven't been used in OVER 50 YEARS!!
We couldn't avoid toxins if we tried. Not even for one day. Our bodies are constantly in a cycle of oxidative stress.
...And when all these various toxins lead to oxidative stress, our bodies must neutralize it with antioxidants like superoxide dismutase, and then eliminate the toxic waste from our cells.
Magnesium is key to supporting your body's cellular detox.
If your body is to dispose of cellular waste, you need sufficient magnesium.
Without magnesium, the sodium-potassium pump within each cell, can't operate properly...
Thus, an insufficiency in magnesium leads to harmful accumulations of toxic build-up in your cells.
Enzymes are also vital for detoxing our bodies... they break down and help to eliminate the waste excreted by our cells.
And magnesium is key for more than 330 enzymatic reactions in your body!
This is why enzyme disruption and insufficiency is so closely associated with all the symptoms associated with aging.
(*These enzymes need MAGNESIUM to function properly!)
...So there you have 'the 4 Horsemen'.
Those are your main culprits behind aging, sleep-sabotage, joint & muscular pain, bodily breakdown and ENERGY suck...
Many people suffer from ALL 4.
Now, we'll come back briefly to the 4 Horsemen in a minute...
But first, to combat and avoid these problems, you need to know –
There are several reasons why we have chronically low magnesium levels.
There are things that deplete magnesium from our food and water... and there are things that flush magnesium out of our bodies – causing our magnesium levels to constantly dwindle.
You have your everyday depleters.
And then you have your 'antagonizers' that really push things over the edge...
You'll see how both groups are hard to avoid.
First, lets cover the everyday magnesium depleters.
Studies show that calcium blocks proper magnesium absorption in our bodies.
Calcium imbalance, as we mentioned, contributes to heart concerns, joint & muscle pain and cellular imbalance – along with ATP disruption and energy deprivation!
You absorb FAR MORE chlorine in a steamy shower when you INHALE. Even if you have a shower filter, very few filter out chloramines, which can be even worse than chlorine.
Magnesium is needed in each cell to counteract and balance sodium. When we are magnesium deficient, we may be at increased risk of high blood pressure.
...As you can see, it's easy to understand why EVERYONE is affected!
And of course HOW IMPERATIVE it is that we all get adequate magnesium.
Some of us need much more than others.
It all depends on how depleted your individual magnesium stores are...
So, how do you know how deficient you are?
Can't you just waltz into your local doctor's office and get a blood test?
Well, no, if it was that simple, we probably would have discovered this epidemic decades before we did.
Here's the PROBLEM:
...Less than 1% of the Magnesium in our body is actually found in blood serum!
Approximately one quarter is found in muscle tissue and three-fifths in bone...
Yet, blood serum is most commonly utilized for assessing magnesium levels!
Modern medicine just hasn't caught up yet.
Luckily, a real deficiency isn't too hard to identify...
We know that as many as 80% of us (and climbing) are already severely deficient (and the rest of us are walking around in stage 1-3 deficiency...).
But you want to know how urgent YOUR personal magnesium situation is...
There are some very telling signs that may indicate the severity of your own personal deficiency.
Usually, magnesium deficiency is best assessed by examining the environment, your habits and your symptoms.
It's easy to assume that you're deficient, since it's so commonplace, but symptomatic indications may help communicate what stage your deficiency is actually at...
Below, is a list of common symptoms indicating magnesium deficiency.
Look at each and note which one(s) are affecting you:
The more items you identify with, the more deficient you likely are.
People usually start showing symptoms at stage 3 or 4 deficiency.
If you have multiple symptoms on this list on a consistent basis, then you are likely at stage 3 or 4 deficiency, like I was 12 years ago...
If you're at all like I was... chances are quite a few of these are affecting you.
It's almost inevitable.
The big 3 are fatigue, restless sleep and joint or muscle pain.
I've noticed that many people seem to notice at least one of those 3 things early on...
But overall: the more symptoms you have, the more your body is desperate for magnesium.
This is valuable to know. Don't be alarmed, yet.
Magnesium deficiency plagues just about everyone.
But, there is an easy fix that I'll educate you about in a minute...
(It came out of my personal experience and discovery 12 years ago.)
Today, my magnesium levels are TOPPED UP and have been for a number of years now....
But back then I was in –
This is where I was 12 years ago...
At 46 years old... I was I was overweight, had excess inflammation, condemning fatigue and was ridden with multiple medical issues – I was a mess.
I was also in stage 4 magnesium deficiency.
So on my road to recovery, about a year after I began supplementing with marine phytoplankton to try and get my liver on the right track, I discovered a breakthrough in magnesium, which was the iMCH.
The gentleman that pioneered it explained to me its unique form and abnormal ability to penetrate our body and cells – for full-body repletion of magnesium.
I was intrigued... What did I have to lose?
And so... he told me to apply it to my elbow, which had been hurting & bothering me for years...
Well, each time I used it, my elbow felt better, MUCH BETTER... and of course, the real payoff was several weeks later – when I no longer needed to apply the magnesium to my elbow.
It had simply healed itself – in the case of my elbow, the iMCH had decalcified my joint. It was calcium that had been causing the joint pain and inflammation in the first place.
Well, as I kept applying it... my entire body, which I had already started to get on the right track, started lifting into its natural balance.
And of course, I kept using it and use it to this day. Long story short, a decade later, I'm –
Well, shortly after my positive experiences with iMCH began, I'd given some of the iMCH to my friend Amber, to try to alleviate the pain in her shoulder that was the result of a sports injury in her younger years...
And the miracle at the time was how, not only did her shoulder stop bothering her after about 2 months, but her overall health also completely balanced out.
She felt amazing in general, but what was most surprising was that she was no longer experiencing menstrual pain. Previously, she had been bedridden with cramps and PMS for 4-5 days out of every month!
Well, that was about 12 years ago – and she still feels amazing to this day.
See, like me, Amber had a calcium imbalance and she was extremely lacking in her magnesium reserves...
We were no different from everyone else walking around; we're all susceptible to chronic magnesium deficiency.
Amber and I were just a little farther gone than some people.
After all, we were both in the DEEPEST stage of deficiency!
...But the important question is, how did we replenish it?
And how can YOU bring your body back into complete equilibrium?
Well –
We talked about magnesium and its relationship to the 4 Horsemen.
But we didn't talk about its ability to neutralize each one of these killer-culprits...
To get your body into complete homeostasis and achieve the level of vitality you desire to be comfortable and peaking in life –
You need to E.A.S.E.
E.A.S.E. is an acronym for restoring homeostasis in your body.
E.A.S.E - stands for:
Here's what happens when you fully E.A.S.E.:
Low energy and fatigue become a thing of the past.
Fullying replenishing your magnesium stores allows your body to produce proper ATP ENERGY, helps you absorb and assimilate important nutrients and maintain proper cellular function – and it works to protect your DNA.
Your Krebs cycle and sodium-potassium pump will work properly.
Remember, to heal and maintain proper function, you MUST be producing adequate bodily energy.
Calcium imbalance is the #1 culprit behind our epidemic of magnesium deficiency.
When you resolve calcium imbalance, you promote healthier blood pressure levels and you support working sodium-potassium pumps, cellular balance, muscle relaxation (remember, your heart is a muscle), blood sugar, circulation and cognitive function.
*As I explained, calcium imbalance was solely responsible for the joint pain in my elbow, as well as various other issues in my body.
When you restore your magnesium levels properly – you'll dissolve, release and alleviate calcium imbalance!
Proper replenishment of magnesium works wonders for sleep.
Getting your proper deep REM, as well as some delta sleep is vital for achieving balanced well-being.
There is no way around this. When you are fully magnesium REPLETE, you will benefit from much higher quality sleep than a deficient person.
Remember we mentioned at the beginning about ENZYMES?
Magnesium is responsible for over 330 enzymatic functions in your body!
Well, these are vitally necessary to combat oxidative stress and break down and eliminate waste.
And of course the sodium-potassium pumps we talked about...
Healthy mineral pumps ensure cellular balance for burning fuel and allowing waste to LEAVE your cells!
Remember, if you're symptomatic, you've moved into stage 3 or stage 4.
This means you're in trouble and desperately need to REPLENISH.
I was in STAGE 4...
Being in stage 4 can affect sleep, bone density, muscular contraction, cellular imbalance and so on...
(This may or may not be your situation... you may be in the minority who are only in stage 1 or 2 deficiency. )
Regardless, we're all living in stage 4 threat because of our environment and the circumstances we covered...
And whether it's a problem now or not, it certainly will be.
But you don't need to be concerned with the complicated details.
All you need to acknowledge today is that:
Combatting calcium imbalance alone is nearly impossible in this day and age without it.
However, there are significant problems with most magnesium supplementation...
THE PROBLEM with Supplementation:
The problem is that most magnesium supplementation is largely INEFFECTIVE.
This will take a moment to explain...
So there are lots of different types of magnesium...
Magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium orotate, magnesium chloride, magnesium lactate, sulfate, carbonate, malates, taurates and more.
But first, regardless of type, let's talk about...
Oral magnesium supplements are the ones most commonly taken.
And they are the most problematic.
This is because you never absorb 100% of any magnesium that goes into your stomach. You might take in as much as half of the natural magnesium found in your food or water...
But you get much less from supplement tablets and capsules – often as little as 4%.
And the bigger problem is that what little you do absorb may not do you much good anyway, since many supplements contain types of magnesium that your body simply won't be able use.
It's like putting diesel in a car that's made to run on gas.
And even if the magnesium is usable, research indicates that oral supplements can take a very long time, even years, to restore your magnesium levels to a healthy state.
So the big problem with oral magnesium supplements is they can't be absorbed in high enough quantities to make any significant difference in your repletion. (*Nor do you want them to – as too much oral magnesium can actually damage your body).
This is mainly because magnesium from food or drink needs to remain in your intestines for hours to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Supplements on the other hand, move through you much more quickly because they aren't being digested along with fiber and protein and other things found in food.
Then of course, there's the common laxative side-effect associated with oral magnesium supplements, as well as potential kidney strain.
And some types of magnesium found in oral supplements are actually harmful – like magnesium aspartate, which breaks down into a molecule similar to the artificial sweetener aspartame that does all sorts of things you don't want.
And if you accidentally take too much of any of these oral magnesium supplements, it's possible to overdose and cause damage to your kidneys.
There's a much better way to get abundant levels of magnesium into your body. It won't give you an upset stomach or cause any side effects whatsoever and it can restore a healthy balance of magnesium to every cell in just a matter of weeks or even DAYS, rather than over months or years.
The simple secret to optimum assimilation of magnesium is applying it TRANSDERMALLY – i.e. via the skin, NOT as an oral supplement.
Transdermal administration of magnesium is the quickest and easiest way to relieve discomfort, pain, sleeplessness and other health issues caused by magnesium deficiency.
How it works:
You simply spray a clear, odorless, stain-free natural liquid onto your skin. It is absorbed in a matter of seconds to deliver pure, 100% bioavailable magnesium directly to your bloodstream.
Since our skin is our biggest organ, it allows for the heaviest absorption. And it doesn't need to tax your digestive system or be processed by the liver or kidneys.
Now the other vitally important thing, is that it's also by far the SAFEST.
This is because your skin will NOT absorb more than your body needs. Once your levels are high enough, your skin will actually 'police' how much more magnesium it lets through.
Yet it allows you to safely absorb much more magnesium than you could possibly get from tablets or capsules.
When you put it on, or even add it to a warm tub and soak in it, you'll feel it flow into your blood in just a few seconds...
Contrary to what many people believe... your skin is NOT a shell.
It is an ORGAN.
Whatever you put on your skin, goes into your body.
So whatever else is in your magnesium solution is extremely important.
...Because you will also absorb any accompanying materials or toxins.
Some transdermal solutions are 'oils' that are a simple mixture of water, powdered magnesium that's often sourced second-hand from rock, or nickel-mining waste and many other trace minerals that are NOT meant to be absorbed through your skin (which is why they tend to leave a "filmy irritation" that's not really desired).
Because of how they're sourced, some of these products can contain dangerous levels of heavy metals and other contaminants. (We definitely don't want any of that stuff in our bodies!)
Plus, these products aren't likely to be any more bioavailable than what you'd find in an oral supplement – meaning you're putting something into your system that your body simply doesn't know what to do with.
The proper solution should also never irritate your skin, leave a filmy residue, stain clothes or fail to dry.
All of this is of ZERO concern with a magnesium solution that's 100% compatible with your body.
Simply give attention to these...
You want these 6 things:
...What is iMCH?
iMCH stands for "intelligent" Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate.
It's a form of magnesium chloride that uses proprietary natural implosion and imprint technology that results in a pure bioavailable magnesium solution for your skin.
iMCH allows your body to benefit from the purest and most potent type of magnesium on the planet and is 100% compatible with our human operating system.
(And it's 100% pure, without any contaminants or undesired ingredients!)
It comes from the same elemental source your body naturally craves...
A source that's been known for thousands of years, yet only now made available in a form you can use anywhere, without a trace of toxins or impurities!
For thousands of years, many cultures around the world have passed down the health benefits of bathing in ocean water...
The ancient Greeks called it thalassotherapy, which means
'...healing from the SEA'.
(They regularly bathed in seawater-filled pools.)
Well, by the early 1900s, medical science was catching up to the reason why sea water appeared to have such unique therapeutic benefits.
You see, on the INSIDE... it turns out that your body is a lot like an ocean...
To the extent that by the 1940s, doctors had discovered that seawater – including its natural mineral content – is virtually identical to the composition of human blood plasma!
This is what I mean by 100% compatible with your human operating system!
...In fact, during World War II, the U.S. Navy successfully used seawater when they ran out of blood plasma supplies to save the lives of injured sailors – pumping it straight into their veins!
See, there is a unique form of magnesium contained in sea water, found nowhere else in nature and this is instantly recognized and absorbed by your body.
Scientists call the magnesium in seawater Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate, or just MCH...
MCH is dramatically enhanced when it's extracted in concentration, using a special implosion and imprint technology (making it "intelligent") that also makes it more bioavailable.
(Which is why you can literally feel it within seconds of it hitting your skin.)
And unlike other types of magnesium found in conventional supplements that are synthetic or extracted from rocks... this iMCH is attracted to and dissolves completely in WATER – which is inside your body!
As a result, it's freely absorbed through the microscopic pores in your skin, and effortlessly enters your bloodstream to reach the cells where it's needed most without upsetting your stomach or putting stress on your kidneys.
And because it never has to enter your GI tract, it's impossible for natural iMCH to cause any digestive problems...
And because your skin will only absorb as much magnesium as your body can use right away... there's also no way that you can accidentally take too much.
How iMCH stacks up:
EASE is the perfect solution of MCH – the purest, most potent, most effective, most natural and most synergistic magnesium you've ever experienced!
EASE is the world's ONLY natural iMCH magnesium ever produced – created with proprietary natural implosion and imprint technologies.
EASE is 100% pure MCH – magnesium chloride hexahydrate, naturally derived from The Dead Sea!
We Don't Take Chances with Your Health!
At Activation, we take extra steps to ensure maximum purity.
Our MCH is pharmaceutical grade. Pure enough that it could be administered intravenously without any ill effects.
If you've tried other transdermals and you're at all skeptical, I urge you to try this test for yourself...
First, try any "magnesium oil" you can find – apply it to the skin on one arm.
On the other arm, apply an equal amount of EASE Magnesium and watch what happens:
You'll notice that where you sprayed the magnesium "oil", the liquid doesn't immediately soak in and may sting on contact with your skin or itch for a while after you apply it.
On the other arm, where you sprayed EASE, your skin absorbs the liquid within seconds – even if you barely rub it in!
...In fact, we've lost count of all the emails we've received from people who have compared our previous natural seawater magnesium to the alternatives!
So not only will EASE not irritate your skin:
But it actually moisturizes and rehydrates dry skin – improving your skin's texture and tone by binding water molecules to your skin and even promoting new skin cell growth!
EASE uses proprietary Saturation Point Technology to infuse the MCH magnesium into a hyper-saturated solution of ultra-purified water.
Again, that means no mineral residue on your skin or clothing... no odor or oily texture... and absorption of these vital nutrients exactly where you need them most in literally just seconds!
...Remember The 4 Horsemen?
Take your health in your hands and E.A.S.E your body to top performance!
Let EASE support over 350 life-enabling processes in your body!
Supplementing transdermally with magnesium that is 100% compatible with your human operating system is KEY!
In addition, something we forgot to mention as a bonus, is that EASE fuels your vitality and longevity further through promotion of –
Medical studies show that thoroughly absorbed magnesium also naturally boosts your levels of a hormone known as DHEA – aka "the anti-aging hormone".
DHEA normally declines with age in both men and women and is known as a life-span indicator.
And when replenished, DHEA automatically goes to work rebalancing and replacing your body's levels of other hormones like estrogen and testosterone that also become depleted as you get older – helping to restore healthy, youthful levels!
But of course, this isn't just about longevity...
Your life and health is on the line here and we are here because we truly want to see you enjoy the best health and well-being possible...
After all, magnesium deficiency and all the crippling hurdles that come with it is...
So I hope this presentation and message is resonating well with you, and largely benefits your own well-being... and hopefully your family's as well...
Because this isn't just about "avoiding problems", this is about improving our health and achieving the HIGHEST LEVELS OF WELL-BEING ever imaginable!
And EASE™ is a major KEY in this equation.
So make sure you start replenishing your magnesium levels each day. And carry this message to those you care about to do the same.
This magnificent mineral simply provides too much for our health to not take full advantage of the amazing support it gives our bodies!
So please, give it a try and –
Try EASE Magnesium for 2 FULL MONTHS and if you're not completely satisfied by this purely amazing product, we'll give you a full refund.
It's that simple.... put EASE Magnesium to the test and FEEL BETTER...
Because you have absolutely nothing to lose, only a better body & life to gain!
We support you and stand by this product 100%, because we know, without question, EASE Magnesium adds priceless quality to your life and the lives of your loved ones!
And the PROOF is undisputable...
Within seconds, some customers have reported elevated moods!
...In as little as 30 seconds people have reported relief of inflammation & tension melting out of their joints and muscles.
Improved blood sugar balance and blood pressure regulation... relief from tension & stress. Simply better sleep ora sweet BOOST of lasting energy...
What will EASE Magnesium do for YOU?
Well, here's what it did for some others...
EASE has monumental value for your health, as you'll soon discover...
(*Or we'll let you keep the bottle – FREE!)
*Including its ability to help you fix the calcium imbalance in your tissues and bones.
Use EASE for the next 60 days...
We promise you will:
EASE into better health and grab yours today...
Experience the benefit of the purest, most absorbable magnesium on the market and secure yourself excellent health for years to come!
You will FEEL THE DIFFERENCE EASE Magnesium makes or we'll simply grant you a FULL REFUND!
...You can even keep the bottle!!
Just choose your EASE Magnesium option below, and experience the health and harmonic feelings of TRUE bodily balance...
YES! I Want to Experience EASE and Replenish My Magnesium Levels for Optimal Health!
1 Bottle
One Time Offer6 Bottles
One Time OfferSave 20% plus get a FREE travel-size bottle of our EASE magnesium each month with your order.
($144/year value)
We look forward to hearing how EASE elevates your life and the lives of your family members...
Welcome to the iMCH family!
Yours in great health,
Ian Clark
P.S. Remember, you are completely protected by our respected 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you literally don't feel BETTER, more relaxed... and more ENERGIZED than you ever have, then kindly request a full refund. You have 2 months "on us" to feel better & healthier than before!
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